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"New Approach for Chinese Language Teaching: Learning and Assessment" is authored by language education scholars from the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong. It is designed to align with recent reforms in the secondary school Chinese language education curriculum by the Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council and the revised Chinese subject assessment guidelines introduced by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority in 2007. The book aims to enhance teaching practices, foster effective learning, and provide a solid theoretical and practical foundation for assessing the five test papers and the school-based curriculum of the new Chinese course.
- AuthorShaoji Shen, Yanqin Luo, Waiye Lam, Lingchong Zhong
- PublisherHong Kong University Press
- Publication Date2011
"School Counseling: Trends and Practices" is a comprehensive guide tailored for school teachers, aiming to enhance their counseling roles. The book covers the latest trends in counseling development and emphasizes the influence of local factors on school counseling work, blending theory and practice. Written by six scholars from the Department of Special Education and Counseling at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, the book is divided into eleven chapters and five parts, addressing essential theories, counseling strategies, student development needs, and higher-level practices. Readers can explore the chapters sequentially or selectively, gaining new insights and fostering personal and professional growth through reflection.
- AuthorLu Fang Yuyi, Li Wen Yuqing
- PublisherHong Kong University Press
- Publication Date2011
There are always two or three female friends around us who have fallen in love with despicable men and ended up being hurt all over. As good sisters, we accompany them through the night, handing them tissues and angrily cursing the heartless man with them.
- AuthorJoven Mak
- PublisherDay Reading Hall
- Publication Date
The previous episode of ""Master of Attraction"" was highly praised. Whether it's Miss Quiet, Miss Throat, Miss Parrot, or Miss Complainer, everyone was inspired and confidently set off after watching ""Master of Attraction"". Oh, once you've got yourself sorted out, the next step is to win over your beloved man!
- AuthorJoven Mak
- PublisherDay Reading Hall
- Publication Date
In Hong Kong, the majority of communication takes place in Chinese, but approximately 5% of residents do not have Chinese as their mother tongue. This poses challenges for them in both daily life and learning. It is crucial to support these residents in developing their abilities to speak, listen, read, and write in Chinese. Historically, Chinese education for non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong has lacked a unified and effective system. Each school has been responsible for designing its own curriculum, teaching materials, methods, and assessments based on their individual experiences and circumstances. However, through the ""University-School Support Plan,"" the Chinese Education Research Center at the University of Hong Kong has collaborated with various schools to develop school-based curricula and explore effective teaching methods. The aim is to advance the research and development of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. ""Chinese Learning and Teaching for Non-Chinese Speaking Students"" serves as a compilation of the experiences of collaborating schools and frontline teachers. It offers suggestions for effective curricula, teaching material design, and teaching methods tailored to the needs of different schools.
- AuthorXie Xijin, Qi Yonghua, Cen Shaoji
- PublisherHong Kong University Press
- Publication Date2012
Love Queen Joven is committed to promoting "happy love". However, she won't tell you in this book "what" to do, but will provide you with many excellent ways to become a charming master of attraction. The case analysis in the second half of "Master of Attraction" deconstructs twelve types of love-insulated women, letting you understand that while you have the right to choose your own style of attraction, you also need to understand whether this strange creature called man is affected or not.
- AuthorJoven Mak
- PublisherDay Reading Hall
- Publication Date