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Ni Kuang's life is marked by various distinct eras, akin to Picasso's different artistic periods. From his carpenter and HiFi phases to his goldfish, shell, mistress, and immigrant periods, he wholeheartedly immersed himself in each endeavor, becoming an expert along the way. Yet, when an era comes to an end, Ni Kuang never looks back. He willingly lets go of everything he has collected, reflecting his unique personality. During his shell period, he wrote numerous papers that garnered praise from foreign experts when sent to the International Shell Society. While the rare shells he collected would be of great value today, he simply laughed it off, feeling no regret. Although I haven't personally witnessed Ni Kuang's various eras, I've only heard about them, his acting era..."

  • AuthorCai Lan
  • PublisherTian Di Book Company Limited
  • Publication Date2006