I'm Not Afraid of Cholesterol


I'm Not Afraid of Cholesterol

Five years ago, Ng Shu Yan, a chiropractor, found out that his cholesterol was too high, so he took cholesterol-lowering drugs, thinking that he could prevent cardiovascular diseases, but he began to feel its side effects (such as muscle weakness). In order not to rely on medication to lower cholesterol, he studied the way of self-healing, read related materials and breakthrough discoveries in the medical field, and wrote the book ""I'm Not Afraid of Cholesterol"" to clarify many misunderstandings about cholesterol that we have always had. It turns out that cholesterol is not the main culprit of cardiovascular disease, and the amount of cholesterol in the human body should not be too high or too low. People with low cholesterol have low cognitive function, their brains are not flexible, and they even increase the risk of cancer, depression, emotional disorders, and premature birth.
Book Title I'm Not Afraid of Cholesterol
Author Ng Shu Yan
ISBN 9789881550422
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2011-11-30
Publisher Skylight Publishing House

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