Why you, why not you


Why you, why not you

Traveling is about escape and exploration. From Hong Kong, I traveled to different corners of the world, San Francisco, London, Copenhagen, Vienna, Bonn, Zurich, Amsterdam... I met different people along the way, experienced wonderful love, and grew up as time goes by. I wrote songs that resonate with everyone based on the experiences and emotions of my journey. After multiple escapes and multiple searches, it turned out all efforts points to one person – always just for one person, and an impossible lover. I thought I had found happiness, but why is it you? Why not you? This is my emotional map, a map I drew with time, mileage, mistakes, luck, sacrificed job opportunities, and a bank account with zero balance always. After more than 20 years of exile-style travel, maybe my route has overlapped with yours. Or you can see yourself in my experience.
Book Title Why you, why not you
Author Chet Lam
ISBN 9789620444333
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2019-01-28
Publisher P.PLUS

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