The Art of Dispute Resolution
Resolving disputes is an art of handling interpersonal relationships. The key is not the disputes themselves, but how to communicate effectively, repair broken relationships, and achieve consensus that satisfies all parties. This book is written by a senior mediation expert. Using more than 40 common examples in social, workplace, school campus, family contexts, it explains different dispute patterns, the sources of disputes, and various skills for effective dispute resolution. By understanding the true thoughts of others through different behavioral patterns, such as the message conveyed by a look or a movement, readers would learn to express their true needs in a more appropriate way.
Dispute ≠ Failure, Helplessness, Anger, Resentment
Dispute = Respect, Communication, Creativity, Win-Win
Learning to face disputes will make your interpersonal relationships more harmonious and bring new opportunities to your life.
Features of this book: The content is easy to understand, the examples are very practical and operable. Because the author is an accredited mediation instructor, it is like taking a mediation course and is a very valuable reference book.