The Language of objects – A psychotherapist's journal
People need all kinds of things to live. Even the poorest people must have their own belongings. Hong Kong people have access to limited space, but people still fill it with things. This shows the emotional void in people's hearts, and the intensity of their desire to be satisfied. But they don't realize it. Most people don't understand psychoanalysis, hypnosis, and dream interpretation. So how can they know what's hidden in their subconscious that affects their own destiny? Just take a look at your belongings. This book will disseminate the things that you own to expose your inner self. Even your placing or storage habits reflect your psychology and embody your subconscious. In addition, by discarding your belongings, your psyche can also be healed and altered. Tidying up is a mental state, and the real purpose is to reset your mind. Seeing and fixing your real self may help you rewrite your life.