Poetic Space


Poetic Space

"Poetic Space" is a collection of short essays that combines poetry and prose. The book is divided into two volumes: "Poetry Feather Cloud Costume" and "Jiang Tian Liaokuo." The first volume portrays light and breezy days, where poems soar like feathers in the sky. It explores the desire to dress and look beautiful, emphasizing the importance of wisdom and beauty. The second volume, also known as "Poetry Learning Multi-Path," delves into reading the works of predecessors, interacting with fellow poets, and finding inspiration even in students' exercises. Poetry learning is a personal journey without any fixed rules. It invites readers to embrace the vastness of life and seek joy in every season.
Book Title Poetic Space
Author Huang Kunyao
ISBN 9789887514992
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2021-05-04
Publisher Chuwen Publishing House

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