Paper cutting


Paper cutting

"Paper Cutting," serialized in "Express" in 1977, employs a balanced development technique with two main storylines featuring protagonists "Qiao" and "Yao," narrated from a first-person perspective. Qiao's narrative revolves around unrequited love, while Yao grapples with self-loss. Qiao is anonymously admired by colleague "Huang," who leaves Chinese poems on her desk, while Yao, a former teacher, finds solace in paper cutting and Cantonese opera. Set in 1970s Hong Kong, the novel has been lauded by critic Ye Hui for its evolving nature, offering new discoveries with each reading. Regarded as a classic of Hong Kong literature, "Paper Cutting" has endured over thirty years, witnessing societal and reading habit changes. The enduring inspiration of "Paper Cutting" continues to beckon readers, inviting fresh interpretations and connections with the evolving world.
Book Title Paper cutting
Author Ye Si
ISBN 9780195938401
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2012-01-02
Publisher Oxford University Press (China)

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