The Words of the Lantern Bearer: The History of Nursing Education at Kwong Wah Hospital


The Words of the Lantern Bearer: The History of Nursing Education at Kwong Wah Hospital

This book is the result of research on the history of nursing education at Kwong Wah Hospital. In addition to sorting out historical data, the research team also used oral history to explore the importance of Kwong Wah nursing education in the development of Hong Kong's medical care, the change in the role of nurses, and the different aspects of Hong Kong's social development reflected through their work experience. The results of this research project not only enrich the history of Tung Wah in nursing education and medical development, but also have great significance for the study of Hong Kong's public health and social evolution.
Book Title The Words of the Lantern Bearer: The History of Nursing Education at Kwong Wah Hospital
Author Planned by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Records and Heritage Office, edited by Wong Man Kong, Law Yuen Han, Fan Wing Chung, and complied and written by Ma Shaoping
ISBN 9789888809080
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2022-12-01
Publisher Chung Hwa Book Co., (H.K.) Ltd.

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