Running Away, For Love


Running Away, For Love

"Running Away, For Love" is the third installment in the series, following "Can't Let Go of Love" and "This Kind of Love, Very Good". The book is divided into two main parts: "Life and Death, Love and Desire. Spiritual Escape" and "Self-Love. Calm Mind. Return to the Body". The first part delves into the meaning of life and death, explores the boundaries of love and desire, and offers methods for calming the mind and introspection. The second part examines various cases, analyzes the concepts of love and self-love, and presents techniques for achieving mental calmness. Additionally, the book includes three appendices of Q&A and a Happy Checklist for readers' reference.
Book Title Running Away, For Love
Author Peiyi Ye
ISBN 9789888325559
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2015-07-01
Publisher Zhi Publishing

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