Emergency Kit for Lovers


Emergency Kit for Lovers

Love surpasses mere liking in its greatness, value, and unconditional nature. It is akin to an endless sea, boundless and limitless. However, within the sea of love, one may encounter turbulent winds and rough waves, leading to turmoil. Sometimes, we ourselves create the waves, sometimes we attract trouble, and sometimes we encounter the wrong person. At times, it may even feel like someone is trying to capture us. If you find yourself struggling and in need of assistance in this vast sea of love, do not despair. Yu Diwei courageously steps forward as a lifeguard, offering a love first aid kit to all lovers in the world. This kit serves as a guiding light and a source of help, ensuring that everyone can benefit from its support.
Book Title Emergency Kit for Lovers
Author Yu Diwei
ISBN 9789888207732
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2013-11-01
Publisher Day Reading Hall

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