James Wong and Hong Kong-style pop songs


James Wong and Hong Kong-style pop songs

From 1968 to 2004, James Wong wrote columns for different newspapers and magazines, with a total word count of over 10 million. The topics and styles of his writing were diverse. As a musician and writer, his personal experiences in songwriting and lyric writing naturally became the subject of his essays and critiques. This dual identity, unique to Hong Kong, gave his articles a special quality. First of all, James Wong's articles were written by James Wong. For him, advertising, writing lyrics, and making movies all had their own constraints. Only by working on the crossword puzzle in the newspaper every day could he let his mind run wild, and write about his true feelings. In addition, James Wong's articles were about Hong Kong. His column was full of his signature Hong Kong-style personality: he spoke his mind, had a friendly attitude, wrote about people and scenery, and painted vivid pictures with words. He also provided a monthly index of current events and historical events. His articles on popular culture were particularly unique, and for decades he closely followed every trend, recording how popular artists boldly explored and carefully created their own unique sounds during a time when Hong Kong’s development is not scripted. We carefully select his works on pop music, put them in order, let them have a discourse with each other, weave them together, and focus on the process and mysteries of "making Hong Kong-style pop music."
Book Title James Wong and Hong Kong-style pop songs
Author James Wong
ISBN 9789620446955
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2021-07-01
Publisher Joint Publishing

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