A Concise History of Hong Kong soccer
Hong Kong football has a history of more than 100 years and is the oldest football league in Asia. It is known as the "Asian Football Kingdom". Before World War II, many Hong Kong players represented China in the Far Eastern Games and the Olympic Games, and won nine consecutive championships in the Far Eastern Games. After the war, Hong Kong football experienced ups and downs, until the Hong Kong football team won the gold medal in the East Asian Games in 2009, which restored fans' confidence in Hong Kong football. The author hopes to review the rise and fall of Hong Kong football through this book, and tally the gains and losses of Hong Kong football development from history. The book also includes the wonderful "Cross-Generational Talk on Hong Kong Football" roundtable discussion. The discussion was fortunate to invite Mr. Huang Wenwei, a famous South China player known as the "Wunderkind Wei", and Dr. Ding Xinbao and Professor Lu Dale, who are fans, to attend and provide suggestions for the future of Hong Kong football.