The Roadmap of Design Strategy for Hong Kong manufacturing SMEs (Vol 1)


The Roadmap of Design Strategy for Hong Kong manufacturing SMEs (Vol 1)

For over 30 years, Hong Kong's industrial sector has been described as a declining industry. In the context of global division of labor, as factories moved north, Hong Kong's role as a manufacturing base gradually faded. However, industry is not just about the manufacturing process. Before and after manufacturing, there are many activities involved, such as corporate planning and strategies, research and development of products and technologies, as well as marketing and retail strategies. Hong Kong's industrial sector has only undergone a change in identity and role. While factories have moved north, the headquarters, R&D studios, sales and service department of many companies remain in Hong Kong. In recent years, the form of Hong Kong's industrial sector has evolved beyond the traditional definition of manufacturing. We attempt to extract new knowledge from Hong Kong's industrial cases, and to find the experience and wisdom of innovation and change in business models, planning, organization, scientific research, marketing, and brand strategies, from the experiences of industrialists. We compile their experiences into stories about the continuous growth, change and innovation of Hong Kong's industrial sector. We hope that this book will encourage readers to rethink the significance of Hong Kong's industrial sector, to recognize its capabilities and strengths, and to seize the opportunities brought along by industries in the new era. We also hope to guide Hong Kong manufacturers towards design excellence.
Book Title The Roadmap of Design Strategy for Hong Kong manufacturing SMEs (Vol 1)
Author Patrick Mok Kin-wai, Jason Wong, Du Ruijie
ISBN 9789620445576
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2019-11-11
Publisher Joint Publishing

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