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"One Street, One Story" is a captivating diary spanning centuries, guiding readers through the streets of New Territories East. The book revisits major and minor scenes from history, bringing forth the small stories of the bustling city. Step into the corners of the New Territories East to discover its original appearance before the development of new towns.
- AuthorYu Zhenyu
- PublisherDay Reading Hall
- Publication Date2021
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"One Street, One Story" is a captivating diary spanning centuries, guiding readers through the streets of Kowloon. The book revisits historical scenes big and small, allowing the small stories of the bustling city to be retold. Recording the ins and outs of several important social events in Hong Kong, the shadows of the new and the old overlap, and the distance gradually blurs.
- AuthorYu Zhenyu
- PublisherDay Reading Hall
- Publication Date2020
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If streets could recount their memories, "One Street, One Story" would serve as a timeless diary spanning centuries. Through this book, the author leads readers on a captivating journey through the streets of Kowloon, rekindling historical moments both grand and intimate. This evocative narrative breathes life into the bustling city, enabling the reenactment of its myriad small stories, each contributing to its rich tapestry of history.
- AuthorYu Zhenyu
- PublisherDay Reading Hall
- Publication Date2019
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The places the author visited this time were all in densely populated urban areas of Hong Kong - Central and Sheung Wan, Western District, Happy Valley, Causeway Bay, North Point, Shau Kei Wan, Chai Wan and Aberdeen. Each area was bustling with activity. Society is made up of countless puzzle pieces, so where does its value lie? The stories on the streets are always stories of people.
- AuthorYu Chun Yu
- PublisherMing's Readers Publisher
- Publication Date2021
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