The World's Largest e-Book Library
The world's largest e-book library is operated by Amazon and called "Kindle Unlimited". The platform offers over one million books, including novels, non-fiction, magazines, comics, and other types of books. Users only need to subscribe to the Kindle Unlimited service to enjoy unlimited reading access to these books.
In addition to Kindle Unlimited, there are also other well-known e-book libraries in the world, such as:
Scribd: provides over one million books, audiobooks, and magazines, and supports multiple languages.
OverDrive: a platform operated by libraries, offering hundreds of thousands of e-books and audiobooks for users to borrow and read on their devices.
Project Gutenberg: a free e-book platform that provides over 60,000 public domain books for users to download and read for free.
Google Play Books: an e-book platform operated by Google, providing over five million books and magazines for users to read on their Android and iOS devices.
These e-book libraries offer rich book resources and allow users to read their favorite books at any time and anywhere.