Publishing 3.0 Sharing Session on 31 Jan 2023

Publishing 3.0 Sharing Session on 31 Jan 2023

The "Publishing 3.0 – Hong Kong Smart e-Book Hub" (Publishing 3.0) was successfully completed on January 31. More than 100 peers attended online and offline. Thank you very much for the support!

The sharing session displayed the prototype of the Publishing 3.0 Portal and conducted a real-time demonstration of the Conversion Platform. It marked the second milestone of the Publishing 3.0 Scheme. The Conversion Platform will soon be open to peers for trial run. We sincerely invite local publishers to support the Scheme, utilise the Conversion Platforms to produce bilingual e-books and trilingual audiobooks, and participate in the "Hong Kong Smart e-Book Hub". "Call for e-Books" (for the Hong Kong Smart e-Book Hub) and the assessment panel will be given in detail later. We expect that the Hub will be able to promote Hong Kong high-quality e-books for local and overseas markets.