Health Source - 40 Dishes to Boost Cancer Resistance


Health Source - 40 Dishes to Boost Cancer Resistance

By consuming 6 to 9 different colors of fruits and vegetables daily, along with whole grains, nuts, and soy, while avoiding meat and processed foods, one can potentially bolster their body's anti-cancer ability. The excessive intake of animal fat and high protein in the diet is identified as a key factor in diminishing the body's anti-cancer ability. Hong Kong senior nutritionist Hui Xinyan, a long-time vegetarian, shares her expertise on the benefits of a meatless diet, highlights the best anti-cancer foods, and presents 40 delectable vegetarian recipes suitable for daily cancer prevention, chemotherapy, and post-cancer recovery, empowering individuals to combat malignant cells through their dietary choices.
Book Title Health Source - 40 Dishes to Boost Cancer Resistance
Author Hui Xin Yan
ISBN 9789888292424
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2015-02-13
Publisher Skylight Publishing House

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