Never Take the No. 137 Death Tram to Kennedy Town (Part 1)


Never Take the No. 137 Death Tram to Kennedy Town (Part 1)

The story gained widespread acclaim and achieved a click rate of 1 million on discussion forums such as Golden and LIHKG (LianDeng). It has consistently held a top position on the "Paper Words" novel platform, ranking in the top three for five consecutive months. The author's previous work, "The 23-Storey Building with No Exit," also garnered praise and media attention, earning the comparison to "the next Ni Kuang" by the South China Morning Post Young Post.
Book Title Never Take the No. 137 Death Tram to Kennedy Town (Part 1)
Author The Dream Hunter
ISBN 9789881468642
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date
Publisher Skywalker Publishing

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