Fighting Eczema: Organic Soap Life
Discover "Soap Zen" and give your skin the space to breathe. In urban areas, dry skin, itching, and rashes are increasingly common. To combat eczema, embracing a calm and peaceful mindset is crucial. Begin by adopting a healthy lifestyle and crafting your own organic handmade soap, offering a natural, non-toxic, and soothing solution. The process of soap-making demands patience, attentiveness, and focus. Each eczema handmade soap in this book is carefully developed, blended, and personally tested by Sloth, the founder of the Hong Kong handmade soap brand "Sloth Soap," who possesses over 20 years of experience with eczema. Together with his wife Sandy, a natural therapist with firsthand experience caring for a son with eczema, they unravel the complexities of this condition. True happiness comes when we learn to slow down.