Let Children Embrace the Future: 30 Lessons all Parents should learn


Let Children Embrace the Future: 30 Lessons all Parents should learn

In this rapidly changing modern society, being a parent is really not easy. Not only do you have to face the problems at hand, but you also need a vision of the society twenty years later, in order to cultivate children who are successful. The rapid changes in society and the advancement of technology make it impossible for us to have a concrete image of the future. We must help children face the unpredictable new era, encourage them to embrace and create the future. Therefore, it is very important to instill strong self-drive, adaptability, resilience, and understanding among children. Not only should they be willing to accept changes, but also to embrace them. Not only do they need to accept failure, but also to learn from failure and turn it into success. We need to train our children to be people who cannot be replaced by machines. That is to say, they need to have innovative ideas that keep up with the times, as well as the delicate emotions and free thoughts of human beings. In this book, the author provides young parents with two aspects of knowledge. First, the knowledge of the experienced. She shares her parenting experience with everyone, so that everyone knows how to solve problems when they face parenting problems. Second, professional knowledge. She shares her knowledge in child psychology and educational theory as a PhD in education, so that readers have more confidence to handle the challenges of raising children. These basic knowledge can help everyone understand children. Raising kids is a very meaningful and happy responsibility. I hope every parent can strengthen their parenting skills and enjoy the time spent with their children.
Book Title Let Children Embrace the Future: 30 Lessons all Parents should learn
Author Agnes Chan Mei-ling
ISBN 9789620444807
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2019-06-17
Publisher Joint Publishing

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