Learn English from Mrs Ip Volume 6


Learn English from Mrs Ip Volume 6

English is the universal language of the world. Learning English is like having the key to the door of the world, connecting with the world and broadening your horizons.

This book is a collection of commentary articles on current affairs written by Maria Lai Suk-yee in different newspapers over the past year. The articles cover a wide range of topics, including opinions on government policies, future development plans, and epidemic prevention policies. The insights are unique and the language is refined. Each article is followed by an explanation of key vocabulary, as well as the techniques, allusions, or idioms used in the article, allowing you to savor the article and improve your English proficiency.
Book Title Learn English from Mrs Ip Volume 6
Author Regina Ip
ISBN 9789888550395
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2022-07-20
Publisher Cosmos Books Co., Ltd.

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