Doctor's Old Friends


Doctor's Old Friends

Why are senior citizens more susceptible to fall risk, and how can we address this issue? What are the distinguishing factors between poor memory and brain degeneration, and what measures can be taken to manage these conditions? In cases where senior citizens experience a poor appetite, what strategies can be employed to improve their nutritional intake? Furthermore, what types of elderly care facilities are available in Hong Kong, and how can we effectively assess whether a senior citizen requires the support of such facilities? The aging population in Hong Kong presents a significant societal challenge, and the development of elderly-friendly communities and provision of various benefits for seniors are crucial steps outlined in the policy address. However, it is essential to deepen our understanding of the mental and physical needs of elderly individuals, the challenges they face, and the support required by their families and caregivers. In ""Doctor's Old Friends,"" Dr. S, a frontline geriatrician, draws from his extensive experience in geriatric care to provide insights into the common health issues, treatment options, and caregiving tips for the elderly in Hong Kong. Through this book, readers can gain a greater understanding of the living conditions of elderly individuals in care facilities or living alone, as well as glean valuable advice for interacting with elderly friends. The practical medical knowledge, treatment methods, and caregiving suggestions provided in ""Doctor Tells You"" aim to empower those who care for elderly individuals and offer solutions to common day-to-day challenges.
Book Title Doctor's Old Friends
Author Dr. S
ISBN 9789881468024
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2016-07-01
Publisher Yi Ding Culture

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