Embrace the World Positive Energy 6: The Call of the Swiss Environmental Girl


Embrace the World Positive Energy 6: The Call of the Swiss Environmental Girl

Many people know to protect the environment, but more people just talk and don't act. Fifteen-year-old Greta, seeing the forest fires getting out of control, was prompted to take action. Greta sat alone in front of the Swedish Parliament, holding up a slogan sign, calling for attention to climate change. However, in addition to arousing more people's attention to climate change, Greta also attracted a lot of criticism, saying that she is not environmentally friendly at all, saying one thing and doing another. Facing various supportive and opposing voices, what should Greta do? What else can we do for a better future for the next generation?
Book Title Embrace the World Positive Energy 6: The Call of the Swiss Environmental Girl
Author Patsy Kwan
ISBN 9789620875526
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2020-07-01
Publisher Xin Ya Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.

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