Everyone knows to tell you to be kind, but who knows how to teach you to be kind with boundaries?


Everyone knows to tell you to be kind, but who knows how to teach you to be kind with boundaries?

This book is an escape route for those who are excessively kind in their emotions. If you're someone who is troubled by your kindness being exploited, constantly sacrificing yourself for others, and struggling with issues like overthinking and self-loathing, this book is for you. It reminds you to be tolerant but know your limits, to be patient but not compromise your own standards. While being kind to others, it emphasizes the importance of protecting and treating yourself well.
Book Title Everyone knows to tell you to be kind, but who knows how to teach you to be kind with boundaries?
Author Li Zhuan
ISBN 9789888525164
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2018-07-14
Publisher Day Reading Hall

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