The Art of Communication of the Chinese - Embroidered Heart and Mouth


The Art of Communication of the Chinese - Embroidered Heart and Mouth

Unlike contemporary eloquence books, this book draws on classic wisdom from the Spring and Autumn Period to the early Qing Dynasty, using over forty character stories, speeches, and letters to analyze rhetoric skills and explore the timeless rules of language communication. It is elegant, easy to understand, and offers profound insights in a relaxed and interesting manner. As Liang Yusheng remarked, it beautifully balances solemnity and humor, elegance and vulgarity, presenting detailed analysis and division with wonderful interest.
Book Title The Art of Communication of the Chinese - Embroidered Heart and Mouth
Author Chen Yaonan
ISBN 9789888573721
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2019-07-01
Publisher Chung Hwa Book Co., (H.K.) Ltd.

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