90s Teacher's Blood and Tears History 2 - Dark Education Livestock Records


90s Teacher's Blood and Tears History 2 - Dark Education Livestock Records

Revelations from a Teacher of the 90s: Surviving Hong Kong's Education Challenges Explore the dark reality of Hong Kong's education sector, including the prevalence of school fights, censored campus events, and the challenges of dealing with perverted principals and unreasonable school policies. Batman Sir shares his firsthand account of the troubling aspects of Hong Kong's educational landscape, shedding light on the issues within martial arts schools, international schools, special schools, and instances of corruption and misconduct.
Book Title 90s Teacher's Blood and Tears History 2 - Dark Education Livestock Records
Author Batman Sir
ISBN 9789888338108
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2016-06-01
Publisher Xiao Ming Cultural Creativity

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