Holding hands with the afflicted: A caregiver's guide to schizophrenia
"At that time, I was able to experience firsthand how schizophrenics can experience auditory hallucinations. Imagine being surrounded by ten people, all talking to you at the same time. It's so distressing, but that's the reality of my husband's experience."
After her husband's illness, treatment, relapse, and further treatment, the author wrote this heart-warming collection for the caregivers, about her experience caring for her husband with schizophrenia. What should one do when someone in the family has mental illness? How do you juggle with caring for the patient, the family, and work? As a caregiver, how do you take care of yourself while taking care of the patient? What information should caregivers know? How can you help patients in daily life? How can you help doctors understand the patient's condition when seeking medical attention? How do you record the symptoms after the patient takes medication? How do you balance the pros and cons and choose the right medication or therapy? How do you deal with side effects and choose nutritional supplements? How can caregivers keep the patients company throughout the long and winding road and return to the real world? The author writes down the answers one by one based on her own experience.