Taoist essence and psychic connection: Chinese Ouija and Hong Kong Society (Volumes 1 and 2)


Taoist essence and psychic connection: Chinese Ouija and Hong Kong Society (Volumes 1 and 2)

This book explores the academic study of the mysterious and fascinating religious culture of "Fuji" or Chinese spirit possession. It is one of the few monographs on the subject, providing a systematic and detailed description of the history of the Fuji, the Cantonese and Hong Kong temples of the Fuji Society, and influential Fuji practitioners. Through this, we can gain insight into the history, culture, and society of Hong Kong over the past century, especially the roots and changes of the Taoist tradition in Hong Kong temples in the early 20th century. In addition to academic research, the two authors also share their personal experiences of observing the Fuji ritual, their friendships with the temples and practitioners, their exploration of the philosophy of Fuji, and their understanding of the Tao from different dimensions such as religion, life, academia, and art, constructing a comprehensive discourse.
Book Title Taoist essence and psychic connection: Chinese Ouija and Hong Kong Society (Volumes 1 and 2)
Author Yao Chi-on
ISBN 9789620448195
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2021-07-01
Publisher Joint Publishing

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