Reading Notes (volume 3)


Reading Notes (volume 3)

Writing notes to record the inspirations and feelings you get from the books you read is a pleasure for book lovers and collectors, and it is also the path to the world of books. The collection of essays by Hong Kong's famous writer and book collector, Yip Linfeng, is divided into three volumes. This volume includes the collection of essays "Miscellaneous Records of the Late Qing Dynasty", and many articles from the newspaper columns "Hong Kong Bibliography" and "Book Fish Chat", with translations, totaling 79 articles. The content discusses personal feelings about reading and writing, literary figures, book reviews related to Hong Kong, the archenemy of book lovers, and even translated themes related to books, reflecting Yip's love for books.
Book Title Reading Notes (volume 3)
Author Yip Linfeng
ISBN 9789620442360
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2019-05-01
Publisher Joint Publishing

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