Flipping Teach & Learn - 8 teachers and their unconventional classrooms


Flipping Teach & Learn - 8 teachers and their unconventional classrooms

Hong Kong education is often criticized for stressing rote learning and even making students sick. In addition, students have different learning abilities, and teachers cannot meet the needs of all students in the classroom at the same time. In view of this, a group of teachers hope to bring changes to education, promote flipped teaching, and return the classroom to students. Eight teachers share their experiences on the road to flipped teaching in this book, hoping to provide alternative teaching methods for teachers who are suffering from the same problem.
Book Title Flipping Teach & Learn - 8 teachers and their unconventional classrooms
Author FlipEdu
ISBN 9789620443930
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2018-10-01
Publisher Joint Publishing

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