People in factory buildings


People in factory buildings

Once upon a time, Hong Kong had such a glorious era. Hong Kong's industrial development began in the 1950s, with the textile industry leading the way, mostly consisting of family-style factories. In the 1960s, various types of light industries appeared, such as toys, clothing, plastics, electronics, etc. The 1970s and 1980s were the heyday of Hong Kong’s manufacturing industry. Later, it moved northward, and many factories moved out of industrial buildings, gradually converted to other uses, such as offices, and even hotels... The past and present of factory buildings, their transformation from mostly manufacturing to creative activities and services, and their continual organic development, all contribute to the emergence of endless possibilities. This book showcases the transformation of industrial buildings through interviews with different creative units inside the buildings (including music performance venues, handicraft/design studios, indoor ski training ground, etc.), presenting a unique creative panorama.
Book Title People in factory buildings
Author Choi Hiu-tung, Lam Yan, Wong Hei-lai
ISBN 9789620437212
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date 2015-01-05
Publisher Joint Publishing

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