The True Face of Cancer - Understanding and Prevention of Cancer


The True Face of Cancer - Understanding and Prevention of Cancer

When we think of cancer, we often associate it with an incurable and painful disease. However, the truth is that the incidence of cancer has actually decreased, and the mortality rate has fallen even more. While a significant number of people in Hong Kong may develop cancer, the World Health Organization estimates that 40% of cancer deaths can be prevented. Treatment options have also improved, making many cancers manageable chronic diseases. This book, written by an experienced preventive medicine expert, addresses common misconceptions about cancer, providing clear and simple explanations. It covers topics such as prevention, treatment, and supporting friends and relatives with cancer, using both scientific analysis and engaging anecdotes.
Book Title The True Face of Cancer - Understanding and Prevention of Cancer
Author Chen Huimin
ISBN 9789888206391
Book Language Chinese
Publication Date
Publisher Ming Window Publishing House

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